Hi, I'm Jeff and this is my site. If you’re here on purpose, looking for a writer, then welcome. I hope you enjoy what you see. If you’ve wandered down an Internet rabbit hole and somehow wound up here, then welcome to you as well. Feel free to hang out as long as you'd like. Take a peek around. You'll quickly see what kind of work I like to create and things I've done throughout my career. While it can tell you a lot, my portfolio can't tell you everything about me.. For instance it can't tell you that...
I have an incredible ten-year old son named Logan who is obsessed with basketball, Steph Curry, Steph Curry, Giannis, Patrick Mahomes and did I mention Steph Curry?
I have a dog named Oliver who is great at catching a Frisbee and used to be on doggie Prozac.
I'm confident I could beat almost anyone in the Kevin Bacon game.
If you ever find yourself on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire, use me as your phone-a-friend if the category is movies or TV.
I live in the suburbs now, Downers Grove, represent.
My top five movies of all time are Goonies, Back to the Future, Empire Strikes Back, Ghostbusters and National Lampoon's Vacation.
I got grounded when I was seven years old for calling the neighbor kid, “dickless” after watching Dan Aykroyd say it in Ghostbusters.
Beverly Hills Cop was the first R rated movie I watched.
I originally wanted to get a job in advertising so that I could wear jeans, tennis shoes and t-shirts to work.
I wore a new suit to my first interview after college. Thank you, Mike Ward at Doner for not laughing me out of the building.
My parents still don’t really understand what I do for a living.
I am the oldest of three children.
I have ADD.
I'm addicted to Chapstick.
Both of my siblings went into healthcare careers (nurse and chiropractor)
I bleed Michigan State Green and White.
I will always root for Detroit teams no matter how long I live in Chicago.
I think Wrigley Field is overrated.
When I was eight years old my best friend and I climbed up on a neighbor's roof to have a picnic. We got stuck and had to scream for help.
My parents surprised my sister and I with tickets to Wrestlemania 3 at the Pontiac Silverdome.
I love to sing karaoke even though I am not very good at it.
I had a flat top mullet in the fifth and sixth grade.
I'm almost finished with a Modern Family spec script.
If you want to hear more, give me a call or shoot me an email.
Thanks for stopping by.